Emily y Harold del otro lado

Me gusta mucho  más cuando no hay acción, ni tiros, ni persecuciones, ni tetas. Y queda la estupefacción, el dolor y el espejo. Por ejemplo:

- The whole world is changing while you sleep.

O bien ese momento sublime en la embajada, a solas, donde ella va desgranando los dolores ocultos de la pareja rota:

- I came here in good faith.
Why do you always have to shut me out?
Is this how it's always gonna be?
You're never gonna trust me, are you?
Never gonna forgive me for the one simple fact... I didn't fold you in.
That all those years ago, I never told you what I was.

- It was a lifetime ago, Emily.
If there's any water left, it's gone under the bridge.

- I think I understand now... what pulled you to this place... how it took you away from us.

- Emily...

- I don't blame you. But I do sometimes wonder how it went so wrong.
Are we still together... over here?
Are we happy?

O los  momentos que tienen ese claro paralelismo con aquel Berlín del muro:

- This fucking place. Ruins people. The temptation. The knowledge that there is something else out there.
It breaks people down.
We should just...
We should just build a wall and never come back.

simpar QJ

What would account for the songs being less good than they used to be?
The mentality of the people making the music. Producers now are ignoring all the musical principles of the previous generations. It’s a joke. That’s not the way it works: You’re supposed to use everything from the past. If you know where you come from, it’s easier to get where you’re going. You need to understand music to touch people and become the soundtrack to their lives. 

I’m trying to isolate what you specifically believe the problem with modern pop is. It’s the lack of formal musical knowledge on the part of the musicians?
Yes! And they don’t even care they don’t have it.

Y para finalizar se deja caer esta perla:

I can’t believe I still get to be involved in things like this. I stopped drinking two years ago and I feel like I’m 19 years old. I’ve never been so creative. I can’t tell you, man — what a life!

Extensa y por momentos abrumadora la entrevista al sin par Quincy Jones. Me da que sabe de lo que habla.
Por cierto, tan sin par como simpar.