Aplastar y laminar

Elena habla alto y claro, con honestidad y conocimiento de causa, sin tapujos fáciles y manidos. Admirable.

Supongo que fue hace ya demasiados años, porque recuerdo que aún éramos unos jóvenes políticamente inexpertos que militábamos en las Juventudes Socialistas, cuando tras mostrar algunas discrepancias políticas con el entonces senador Ángel Franco, éste nos espetó una frase que, con el paso del tiempo, ha resumido al menos una parte de su actividad política: «Os voy a aplastar y a laminar».

El resto, aquí.

Desire leads to Cemeteries leads to the Elysian Fields

Marlon BrandoKim Hunter, and Karl Malden were all cast in their original Broadway roles. Although Jessica Tandy originated the role of Blanche DuBois on Broadway, Vivien Leigh, who had appeared in the London theatre production, was cast in the film adaptation for her star power.

Yo a Vivien había momentos que no la aguantaba. Ese tipo de interpretación de aquella primera época del sonoro. Cedía ya ante el otro tipo, más de Marlon y el resto. Lo del animalico de Brando, qué decir. El tipo aborda la actuación desde un lugar tan fascinante como insano; probablemente no supiera otro.
Aquí hay una serie de detalles más que interesantes acerca de las diferencias entre la obra de teatro y la película.
Aquí, acerca del deseo y la muerte, o su representación en la obra, Desire and Cemeteries, y su siguiente paso, los Campos Elíseos
Era martes cuando la vimos.

falling in love just makes me blue

De su primer disco, del 73, compuesta con veinte añitos... La versión en directo es fantástica, aunque no termine. En ella, este comentario que alguien ha dejado me parece escalofriante:

He used to sleep in front of our house in his car when I was a tiny kid. If I only knew

Well I hope that I don't fall in love with you 'Cause falling in love just makes me blue, Well the music plays and you display Your heart for me to see, I had a beer and now I hear you Calling out for me And I hope that I don't fall in love with you. Well the room is crowded, people everywhere And I wonder, should I offer you a chair? Well if you sit down with this old clown, Take that frown and break it, Before the evening's gone away, I think that we could make it, And I hope that I don't fall in love with you. Well the night does funny things inside a man These old tom-cat feelings you don't understand, Well I turn around to look at you, You light a cigarette, I wish I had the guts to bum one, But we've never met, And I hope that I don't fall in love with you. I can see that you are lonesome just like me, And it being late, you'd like some some company, Well I turn around to look at you, And you look back at me, The guy you're with has up and split, The chair next to you's free, And I hope that you don't fall in love with me. Now it's closing time, the music's fading out Last call for drinks, I'll have another stout. Well I turn around to look at you, You're nowhere to be found, I search the place for your lost face, Guess I'll have another round And I think that I just fell in love with you.


Del b. lat. *marecadicus; cf. fr. marécage.
1. m. Terreno bajo y pantanoso.

Del ár. hisp. márǧa‘ 'medida agraria'.
1. m. Medida agraria equivalente a 100 estadales granadinos o 5
áreas y 25 centiáreas.

Aquí hay más. Y todo ello viene de este precioso parque que tenemos aquí al lado.

los encantos ocultos

Tan evidentes sus influencias. Tanta precocidad. Tanta naturalidad. Tanto talento.

Are you conscious?
Are your eyes shut?
Can you tell me
What I'm thinking off?
My necks so heavy from a head full of fresh ideas
I can't help how my mind wanders and it takes me here

I was dreaming of another girl
I was lying by your side
Dreaming of another girl
I was lying by your side

Is it lonely
Being famous?
Is there danger?
Are you dangerous?
Mynecks so heavy from a head full of fresh ideas
I can't help how my mind wanders and it takes me here

I was dreaming of another girl
I was lying by your side
dreaming of another girl
I was lying by your side

I hope you won't mind
I hope you won't mind
I hope you won't mind

Dreaming of another girl

es sólo un truco