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Richard y David

La relación entre la narrativa del marciano Lowery y la de McGuire en Here no la percibo sólo yo, obviamente:

I don’t know whether Lowery had McGuire in mind when he went to work on “A Ghost Story,” but several of the film’s most memorable and powerful scenes, including an eerie observation of a family of murdered settlers, echo McGuire’s incredible technical feat.
Others, including Nick Johnston and Benjamin Rosenstock, have also noticed the parallels between the two works, the latter remarking, “‘A Ghost Story’ is probably the closest we’ll ever get to an adaptation of ‘Here.’”
Aquí o bien aquí, por poner dos ejemplos. De la peli, esta crítica de Ocaña me gusta.
Fui por una recomendación que me avisó: o te gusta o te duermes. A punto estuve. Fascinante poética. Gracias.

"Aquí", de Richard McGuire from Salamandra Graphic on Vimeo.