Lost cities, liminal realms, and cosmic fear come more or less naturally to Louisiana, which suggests to me that the webwork plot of True Detective will not venture in a supernatural direction, as some have predicted. The chief-most horrors of the show are not voodoo curses or tentacled monsters or consciousness-destroying plays, but environmental slippage, religious perversion, badly mangled family trees. True Detective wears the cosmic-horror genre and its lineage, in other words, not unlike the Mardi Gras masks being worn today all over its native state. The mask is scary, sure enough, but what’s underneath can be even more frightening: one place in the U.S. where anything, it seems, can happen.
True Detective is a show about precarious life
as much as it is about catching a serial killer.
True Detective's big reveal—which does not come
when Rust and Marty catch the deranged, stereotypical murderer, but accumulates
from the title sequence—is that the southern Louisiana land- and waterscape
lies at the nexus of corporate-produced inequality, fragile bodies, toxic
waste, indigence, political bullying, and an unruly ecosystem.
this show is neither documentary nor polemic, only mappings. To quote Patrick
Clair's pitch for the opening sequence, "We've zoned in on the idea of
personal geographies."
True Detectiveis a show about men living in a
brutally masculine world
True Detective is built on the "women in refrigerators" trope that structures the genres it pays homage to—principally
the hardboiled mystery à la Raymond Chandler and the film noir à la Double Indemnity and Chinatown. It uses women as both things-to-be-saved and erotic obstacles for the
male leads, a sexism typical for much mystery/thriller-based narrative media.
After years of decline and in the face of mounting evidence that everything
from policework and state groundskeeping to meth and murder exists in a continuous
ecology of violence and power, Marty and Rust become capable of doing only one
thing right: taking out the monster made possible by all the other bad things.
True Detective's actual villain lies everywhere and
nowhere, among the apparatuses of power that structure life in Louisiana. A
backwater villain such as Childress is possible because of the machinations of
power that lay pipe through bayous and neighborhoods and dig ship channels into
estuaries, that subject the poor to living in "somebody's memory of a
town," that name them, count them, and separate them. When Rust kills him,
he's only killed an effigy. When Rust survives—a thing he did not want to do—he
does so knowing that his actions did not alter the landscape in Louisiana
influence of Petrochemical
America does not stay within the title sequence, but seeps
into the story, creating a heterogeneous geography, a palimpsest Louisiana with
varied, distinct meanings and genealogies.
Todos son extractos del mejor artículo que he encontrado. Se halla aquí. La cabecera y su andamiaje están aquí y aquí. Y la inquietante Carcosa, aquí y aquí.
Lately I'm not feeling like myself When I look into the glass, I see someone else I hardly recognize this face I wear When I stare into her eyes, I see no one there Lately I'm not feeling like myself
Lately I've been losing all my time All that mattered to me slipped my mind Everytime I hit another town, strangers appear to lock me down Lately I've been losing all my time
The mystery that no one knows Where does love go when it goes?
Lately words are missing from now on Vanished in the haze of love gone wrong There's no future, there's no past In the present, nothing lasts Lately someone's missing from now on
The mystery that no one knows Where does love go when it goes? The mystery that no one knows Where does love go when it goes?
El analista y crítico de arte inglés Ian Chilvers,2 define a Bouguereau como pintor de «retratos de aspecto fotográfico, obras religiosas hábiles y sentimentales y desnudos tímidamente eróticos»,3 como un bello prototipo del dominio de las técnicas pictóricas academicistas y de las claves sociales de la hipocresía burguesa.c
Pintor de indudables dotes e influencia social mientras vivió, Bouguereau fue —como explican Edward Lucie-Smith y Stephen F. Eisenman en sendos estudios de la historia crítica de la pintura del siglo XX— uno de los más hábiles artistas de su época a la hora de pintar lo que el burgués quería mirar: mujeres hermosas y rotundas, tiernas adolescentes, niñas pobres encantadoras y muy limpias.4 Concluye Eisenman, que contemplando sus cuadros, el burgués más ignorante entendía la fastuosidad de la mitología clásica y llegaba a la tranquilizadora conclusión de que la vida del campesino es el jardín del Edén.5
De carácter beligerante desde niño y soberbio desde sus primeros éxitos oficiales —según relatan sus biógrafos—, Bouguereau se convirtió en un enemigo temible y despiadado con todo aquel que no viese y reconociese su esfuerzo artístico con la referida 'mirada burguesa neutra'.6 Cezanne lamentó en cierta ocasión haber sido excluido del «Salón de Monsieur Bouguereau» (refiriéndose a la anual convocatoria de la Academia).3
Chilvers, en su Diccionario de arte, citando al escritor francés J.-K. Huysmans, concluye sobre Bouguereau: «condenado durante años como maestro en la jerarquía de la mediocridad y enemigo de todas las ideas progresistas», recuperó en el último tercio del siglo XX cierto prestigio, respaldado por la edición lujosa de su obra y los altos precios alcanzados en las subastas.3d
Sobre el lienzo, aquí y aquí. Lo del bar del hotel, la pera.
A mí el brazo izquierdo del sátiro, la mirada de la ninfa que ese brazo trata de apartar y la composición del trío de fondo me turban, y bastante. Debe ser que pertenezco a la categoría de burgués ignorante. Y qué categoría.
A veces uno se cansa de la misma historia. Produce hastío y hasta desesperación ver cómo con los mismo mimbres se van generando distintos cestos, no los mismos, pero sí con idénticos mimbres. Y cómo la nada, los señores de gris, cada vez están más cerca, copan mayor territorio.
A veces uno se cansa, se hastía, de que el talento, la sensibilidad, el brillo perezcan, se esquinen, y la mediocridad y la ruindad campen cada vez más a sus anchas.
Me parece más vigente que nunca, e irá a más, Michael Ende con su Momo y su Historia interminable. Murió cinco años después que ella, por cierto.
En el 82 dejó caer esta perla: “I may look like a nice girl from New Jersey. But inside I’m a 50-year-old, heavyset black man with a big thumb, like Wes Montgomery.” Igual no murió tan joven como me parece. Aquí hay una semblanza magnífica.
Hace un día limpio, claro, soleado que devendrá, cuando oscurezca, en frío plúmbeo. Pues eso.
Ev'rybody seems to nag me
Comin' Tuesday I feel better
Even my old man looks good
Wed'sday just don't go
Thursday goes too slow
I've got Friday on my mind
Gonna have fun in the city
Be with my girl, she's so pretty
She looks fine tonight
She is out of sight to me
Tonight I'll spend my bread, tonight
I'll lose my head, tonight
I've got to get to night
Monday I'll have Friday on my mind
Do the five day grind once more
I know of nothin' else that bugs me
More than workin' for the rich man
Hey! I'll change that scene one day
Today I might be mad, tomorrow I'll be glad
'Cause I'll have Friday on my mind
Gonna have fun in the city
Be with my girl, she's so pretty
She looks fine tonight.
She is out of sight to me
Tonight I'll spend my bread, tonight
I'll lose my head, tonight
I've got to get to night
Monday I'll have Friday on my mind
Yo creo que este tema ya salió por aquí o en el antiguo cuaderno, pero de nuevo da igual. Vuelvo a la brillantez de Jarvis y vuelvo a quedarme anonadado. Si el anterior que colgué me parecía brillante, delicado y conciso, este es el excedentarismo fundamentado. Brutal.
Grey floaters inside my eyes
And visible when you look into a clear blue sky
Memories of days gone by
Activated by a mirror ball shining bright
In a provincial disco on a Thursday night
You appeared from nowhere beside me on the floor
Identical in every detail to the way you were before
The best part of a decade since you went out of my life
The worst part of a decade, but here you are tonight
By my side
You're in my eyes, you're in my face
Just like before you went away
You're in my arms, I feel your warmth
And I will dance until the dawn
'Cause I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
Yeah, I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
A trick of the light, a disco hallucination
A waking dream, an impossible situation
Oh, but you look real good in your halter top
Don't stop, don't disappear
I need you here, I need you here
You're in my eyes, you're in my face
Just like before you went away
You're in my arms, I feel your warmth
And I will dance until the dawn
'Cause I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
No, I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
And I don't want this song to ever end
'Cause I know if it did then you would disappear again
Let this be forever 3 am
Caught in a loop that repeats endlessly
It was the mirror ball that did it
A chance reflection that sparked you back to life
Like you'd just been to the bar for a little while
And you smiled and there was nothing in your eyes
Like this silt in mine making it hard to get around
I thought you'd gone
But all this time
I'd been carrying you around in my eyes
In my eyes, in my eyes
You're in my eyes, you're in my face
Just like before you went away
You're in my arms, I feel your warmth
And I will dance until the dawn
'Cause I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
Yeah, I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
Yeah, I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
'Cause I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
'Cause I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
'Cause I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
'Cause I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
Because one day my eyes will be full
A snow storm every time I shake my head
('Cause I don't wanna lose you again, oh no)
But that day is not tonight
And if we keep moving, dancing tight
They might never catch us
('Cause I don't wanna lose you again, oh no)
'Cause I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
'Cause I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
'Cause I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
'Cause I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
'Cause I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
'Cause I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
'Cause I don't wanna lose you again, oh no
arte como el hombre se encuentra entre dos fuerzas contrarias que lo solicitan:
una es la belleza de la serenidad absoluta, la otra la fascinación del abismo”.
La cita de mi admirado Jarvis parece ser de
“Every heart sings a
song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing
always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.”
I wrote the song two hours before we met
I didn't know your name or what you looked like yet Oh, I could have stayed at home and gone to bed I could have gone to see a film instead You might have changed your mind and seen your friends Life could have been very different but then Something changed
Do you believe that there's someone up above? And does he have a timetable directing acts of love? Why did I write this song on that one day? Why did you touch my hand and softly say "Stop asking questions that don't matter anyway Just give us a kiss to celebrate here today" Something changed
When we woke up that morning we had no way of knowing That in a matter of hours we'd change the way we were going Where would I be now, where would I be now if we'd never met? Would I be singing this song to someone else instead? I don't know but like you just said Something changed
esto que sigue forma parte de mi brutal regalo de reyes. Brutal es poco.
Let Love Go, If Go
She Will
Let love go, if go she will.
Seek not, O fool, her wanton flight to stay.
Of all she gives and takes away
The best remains behind her still.
The best remains behind; in vain
Joy she may give and take again,
Joy she may take and leave us pain,
If yet she leave behind
The constant mind
To meet all fortunes nobly, to endure
All things with a good heart, and still be pure,
Still to be foremost in the foremost cause,
And still be worthy of the love that was.
Love coming is omnipotent indeed,
But not Love going.
Let her go. The seed
Springs in the favouring Summer air, and grows,
And waxes strong; and when the Summer goes,
Remains, a perfect tree.
Joy she may give and take again,
Joy she may take and leave us pain.
O Love, and what care we?
For one thing thou hast given, O Love, one thing
Is ours that nothing can remove;
And as the King discrowned is still a King,
The unhappy lover still preserves his love.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Que se vaya el amor si quiere
irse. No quieras, necio, interrumpir su vuelo extravagante. Lo mejor de todo lo que ha dado y se lleva se queda aquí.
Lo mejor queda aquí. Sería inútil que tras dar la alegría y tras quitarla, se la llevase para darnos pena, si deja a su espalda al huir la firmeza de un ánimo que sufra con dignidad las cosas que suceden, un fuerte corazón, y ser aún puros. Estar siempre a la altura del destino, ser dignos del amor que hubo en nosotros. Es todopoderoso cuando llega el amor, pero no cuando se va. Que se vaya. Pues brota la semilla al amparo del aire del verano, crece y se fortalece, y cuando acaba el tiempo del verano, queda en pie un árbol que es perfecto. La alegría es algo que se da y que se arrebata, Perdiéndola el dolor la sustituye. ¡Oh, amor! Dime, ¿qué importa que así sea? Lo que nos diste, amor, ya es todo nuestro, es imposible que alguien nos lo quite. Un destronado rey será rey siempre, y aún es suyo el amor del desdichado.
Traducción de Carlos Pujol
Lo que sigue creo recordar que por aquí ya ha aparecido antes, pero no importa, es pertinente. También me lo trajeron de regalo ayer:
Y la guinda la corono yo, que no viene de mano amiga, sino propia. También redundante, también da igual:
El título de la entrada lo enuncia Roberto Álamo casi al final de la película, una de las más tristes que servidor haya visto desde hace tiempo -a los veinte minutos, quizás menos, ya estaba llorando-. En mi caso su aserto lo recojo no sólo por lo que alude el protagonista, sino por la película misma, una hipertrofia que delata que ya no hay manera de volver a aquello original, porque aquello ya no existe ni existirá de nuevo jamás. Aquello pasó. Cuando los cómicos en el sentido primigenio, en el sentido de El viaje a ninguna parte, han cesado su existencia y el relevo está formado por los cómicos de monólogo y cadena de televisión, la emulsión se rompe: no liga.
2. f. Psiquiatr. Lenguaje ininteligible, compuesto por palabras inventadas y secuencias rítmicas y repetitivas, propio del habla infantil, y también común en estados de trance o en ciertos cuadros psicopatológicos.