Jewish doctor?

BETH: I don’t know. I suppose this doctor he's seeing.
GRANDMOTHER: What sort of doctor... would make that decision for you?
BETH: A psychiatrist.
GRANDMOTHER: I thought we were all finished with that.
BETH: No...
GRANDMOTHER: What's his name?
BETH: Berger.
GRANDMOTHER: Jewish doctor?
BETH: I dunno, I suppose he's Jewish. Maybe just German.

Igual algo judío sí es...

De aquí, esto:

Hirsch is, after all, one of the very few actors who slips effortlessly from TV series to Broadway to feature films and back again, racking up awards and favorable reviews wherever he performs.

El -monumento de- guion completo está aquí.


Pienso que el hecho de que su padre hubiera muerto poco antes de rodar le debió de servir. Servir para el enfado, para la ira y para con Donald, para esa escena final en las escaleras de casa. Y por fin su mamá lo besó:

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